本篇涉及平时工作中使用的一些Python 相关轮子,在此记录,不断补充更新……
文件及路径 遍历读取文件夹下所有目录 在Python
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 import osdef readDir (dirPath ): if dirPath[-1 ] == '/' : print ( u'文件夹路径末尾不能加/' ) return allFiles = [] if os.path.isdir(dirPath): fileList = os.listdir(dirPath) for f in fileList: full_path = os.path.join(dirPath, f) if os.path.isdir(full_path): subFiles = readDir(full_path) allFiles = subFiles + allFiles else : allFiles.append(full_path) return allFiles else : return 'Error,not a dir'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 def readTxt (filePath): with open (filePath) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: data = line.strip().split('\001' ) for i in data: print i if __name__ == '__main__' : dirPath = 'xxxx' fileList=ReadDirFiles.readDir(dirPath) for f in fileList: if f.split('.' )[-1 ] in ['txt' ]: readTxt(f)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 import pandas as pdcsv_file='Pandas_example_read.csv' df_example=pd.read_csv(filepath,header=0 ) df_example = pd.read_csv('Pandas_example_read.csv' ,names=['A' ,'B' ,'C' ]) df_example_noCols = pd.read_csv('Pandas_example_read_withoutCols.csv' , header=None ) df_example_noCols = pd.read_csv('Pandas_example_read_withoutCols.csv' , names=['A' , 'B' ,'C' ]) select=df_example['key' ].tolist()
图片处理 Canny边缘检测 参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ejwnsPkrpSJieCPssU8Caw
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 from scipy import ndimagefrom scipy.ndimage.filters import convolvefrom scipy import miscimport numpy as npclass cannyEdgeDetector : def __init__ (self, imgs, sigma=1 , kernel_size=5 , weak_pixel=75 , strong_pixel=255 , lowthreshold=0.05 , highthreshold=0.15 ): self.imgs = imgs self.imgs_final = [] self.img_smoothed = None self.gradientMat = None self.thetaMat = None self.nonMaxImg = None self.thresholdImg = None self.weak_pixel = weak_pixel self.strong_pixel = strong_pixel self.sigma = sigma self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.lowThreshold = lowthreshold self.highThreshold = highthreshold return def gaussian_kernel (self, size, sigma=1 ): size = int (size) // 2 x, y = np.mgrid[-size:size+1 , -size:size+1 ] normal = 1 / (2.0 * np.pi * sigma**2 ) g = np.exp(-((x**2 + y**2 ) / (2.0 *sigma**2 ))) * normal return g def sobel_filters (self, img ): Kx = np.array([[-1 , 0 , 1 ], [-2 , 0 , 2 ], [-1 , 0 , 1 ]], np.float32) Ky = np.array([[1 , 2 , 1 ], [0 , 0 , 0 ], [-1 , -2 , -1 ]], np.float32) Ix = ndimage.filters.convolve(img, Kx) Iy = ndimage.filters.convolve(img, Ky) G = np.hypot(Ix, Iy) G = G / G.max () * 255 theta = np.arctan2(Iy, Ix) return (G, theta) def non_max_suppression (self, img, D ): M, N = img.shape Z = np.zeros((M,N), dtype=np.int32) angle = D * 180. / np.pi angle[angle < 0 ] += 180 for i in range (1 ,M-1 ): for j in range (1 ,N-1 ): try : q = 255 r = 255 if (0 <= angle[i,j] < 22.5 ) or (157.5 <= angle[i,j] <= 180 ): q = img[i, j+1 ] r = img[i, j-1 ] elif (22.5 <= angle[i,j] < 67.5 ): q = img[i+1 , j-1 ] r = img[i-1 , j+1 ] elif (67.5 <= angle[i,j] < 112.5 ): q = img[i+1 , j] r = img[i-1 , j] elif (112.5 <= angle[i,j] < 157.5 ): q = img[i-1 , j-1 ] r = img[i+1 , j+1 ] if (img[i,j] >= q) and (img[i,j] >= r): Z[i,j] = img[i,j] else : Z[i,j] = 0 except IndexError as e: pass return Z def threshold (self, img ): highThreshold = img.max () * self.highThreshold; lowThreshold = highThreshold * self.lowThreshold; M, N = img.shape res = np.zeros((M,N), dtype=np.int32) weak = np.int32(self.weak_pixel) strong = np.int32(self.strong_pixel) strong_i, strong_j = np.where(img >= highThreshold) zeros_i, zeros_j = np.where(img < lowThreshold) weak_i, weak_j = np.where((img <= highThreshold) & (img >= lowThreshold)) res[strong_i, strong_j] = strong res[weak_i, weak_j] = weak return (res) def hysteresis (self, img ): M, N = img.shape weak = self.weak_pixel strong = self.strong_pixel for i in range (1 , M-1 ): for j in range (1 , N-1 ): if (img[i,j] == weak): try : if ((img[i+1 , j-1 ] == strong) or (img[i+1 , j] == strong) or (img[i+1 , j+1 ] == strong) or (img[i, j-1 ] == strong) or (img[i, j+1 ] == strong) or (img[i-1 , j-1 ] == strong) or (img[i-1 , j] == strong) or (img[i-1 , j+1 ] == strong)): img[i, j] = strong else : img[i, j] = 0 except IndexError as e: pass return img def detect (self ): imgs_final = [] for i, img in enumerate (self.imgs): self.img_smoothed = convolve(img, self.gaussian_kernel(self.kernel_size, self.sigma)) self.gradientMat, self.thetaMat = self.sobel_filters(self.img_smoothed) self.nonMaxImg = self.non_max_suppression(self.gradientMat, self.thetaMat) self.thresholdImg = self.threshold(self.nonMaxImg) img_final = self.hysteresis(self.thresholdImg) self.imgs_final.append(img_final) return self.imgs_final
降噪 由于场景背后涉及的数学主要基于导数(参见步骤2:梯度计算),边缘检测结果对图像噪声高度敏感。摆脱图像噪声的一种方法是使用高斯模糊来平滑它。为此图像卷积技术应用高斯核(3x3,5x5,7x7等…)。内核大小取决于预期的模糊效果。基本上内核最小,模糊不太明显。
判断图像是否模糊 Reference:https://juejin.im/post/5b76df76f265da43330c3f50
将图像转换成灰度图,之后使用拉普拉斯算子进行滤波,得到的是图像的高频图像,会将低频图像去掉,计算滤波之后的图像的方差,如果方差较大,认为滤波之后的图像具有更广阔的频率范围,认为是一个清晰的图像; 如果滤波之后方差较小,可以认为,经过滤波得到的图像,频率范围很窄,可以在一定程度上认为这是一个模糊的图像。总而言之,是通过拉普拉斯滤波之后的图像的方差的值进行判断。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 import cv2def getImageVar (imgPath ): image = cv2.imread(imgPath); img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imageVar = cv2.Laplacian(img2gray, cv2.CV_64F).var() return imageVar
IOU的计算 在ObjectDetection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 def _cal_iou (query_box, store_box ): x1, y1, x2, y2 = query_box w1 = x2 - x1 h1 = y2 - y1 query_area = w1 * h1 ratios = [] for box in store_box: x_11, y_11, x_22, y_22 = box w_11 = x_22 - x_11 h_11 = y_22 - y_11 store_area = w_11*h_11 endx = max (x2, x_22) startx = min (x1, x_11) width = w1 + w_11 - (endx - startx) endy = max (y2, y_22) starty = min (y1, y_11) height = h1 + h_11 - (endy - starty) if width <= 0 or height <= 0 : ratio = 0 else : inter_area = width * height ratio = inter_area / (query_area + store_area - inter_area) ratios.append(ratio) return ratios
数据转换Convertation String&List 该程序涉及将字符串转换为list
1 demo='[{"label":0,"dots":[{"x":109.60000000000001,"y":7.466666666666667},{"x":311.2,"y":7.466666666666667},{"x":311.2,"y":197.33333333333334},{"x":109.60000000000001,"y":197.33333333333334}]}]'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 from ast import literal_evalmlist = literal_eval(demo) assert isinstance (mlist,list ), "After literal_eval, must return a list" out=[] for dic in mlist: want=dic['dots' ] keys=['x' ,'y' ] for each_points in want: for key in keys: out.append(each_points[key]) print out
1 [109.60000000000001, 7.466666666666667, 311.2, 7.466666666666667, 311.2, 197.33333333333334, 109.60000000000001, 197.33333333333334]
Dict&Object 在Object
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 class Struct (object ): def __init__ (self, d ): for a, b in d.items(): if isinstance (b, (list , tuple )): setattr (self, a, [Struct(x) if isinstance (x, dict ) else x for x in b]) else : setattr (self, a, Struct(b) if isinstance (b, dict ) else b)
数据序列化 在进行传输的过程中,一般对数据进行序列化,比如在图片转化成base64格式,tcp传输使用pb或protobuf格式等,根据自己工作的经验,对这方面进行一下总结记录。
pickle&cPickle 使用pickle.dumps
这个表示代表了序列化模式(pickle协议),在python2.X版本默认值为0,在python3.X本默认值为3 。简而言之,不同的python版本对应着不同的最高协议,同时protocol值越大,代表了所用的协议版本越高,protocol值越大,dump的速度越快,并且支持的数据类型更多,保存下来的文件占用空间更小
Json 使用json.dumps
stdlib json
来也就是import ujson as json
msgpack 和json
的口号就是It's like JSON. but fast and small.
struct 将字符串转化为二进制字节流,这样缺点是最造成数据的结构丢失,但是好处是会最大程度减小数据的大小。在pack
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import structimport numpy as npdata = np.random.uniform(size=(10 , 4 , 2 )) data_size = data.size data_shape = data.shape packed_data = struct.pack('=%sf' % data.size, *data.flatten('F' )) unpacked_data = struct.unpack('=%sf' % data_size, packed_data) original_data = np.reshape(np.asarray(unpacked_data), data_shape,order='F' ) print ("original_data shape is {}" .format (original_data.shape))
thrift thrift一般用于定义数据格式,用来进行服务之间的tcp传递。一般是两种处理方式,一个是将字典转化成struct
的形式,也就是先使用thrift 定义结构体,然后再将字典数据赋值到对应的结构体上
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 # !/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen cpp --gen py:new_style -o . -r include "base.thrift" // thrift dependicy namespace py Service // namespace, the folder name you want generate by thrift # define request struct ServiceRequest{ 1: binary image_binary, // image binary 2: i32 req_id, // request id 255: optional base.Base Base // base caller } # define response struct ServiceResponse { 1: binary output, 255: optional base.BaseResp BaseResp // base response } # define service service Service { ServiceResponse forward(1: ServiceRequest request), }
我这里是这么定义的 ↓↓↓↓↓
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 # defination namespace py base namespace go base namespace java com.bytedance.thrift.base struct TrafficEnv { 1: bool Open = false, 2: string Env = "", } # define the base request struct Base { 1: string LogID = "", 2: string Caller = "", 3: string Addr = "", 4: string Client = "", 5: optional TrafficEnv TrafficEnv, 6: optional map<string, string> Extra, } # define the base response struct BaseResp { 1: string StatusMessage = "", 2: i32 StatusCode = 0, 3: optional map<string, string> Extra, }
命令生成对应的可读取文件, 如果想要生成python
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # !/usr/bin/env bash echo "Step1: thrift deploy" thrift -r --gen py:new_style -o . service.thrift echo "Step2: remove gen-py detail output to root" mv gen-py gen_py
数据处理 去重并保持原有顺序 以前一直使用set来进行去重,但是set这种方式第一是只能够去除hash类型的数据的重复,并且去重之后无法保证原来的排序,如下所示
1 2 3 x=[1 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 9 , 1 , 5 , 10 ] y=list (set (x))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 def dedupe (items ): seen = set () for item in items: if item not in seen: yield item seen.add(item) x=[1 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 9 , 1 , 5 , 10 ] y=list (dedupe(x))
命名切片 在Python
1 2 3 4 5 6 record = '....................100 .......513.25 ..........' SHARES = slice (20 , 23 ) PRICE = slice (31 , 37 ) cost_ori = int (record[20 :23 ]) * float (record[31 :37 ]) cost_imp = int (record[SHARES]) * float (record[PRICE])
排列组合 使用标准包itertools实现排列组合
参数:src_queue 要处理的列表,num组合的元素数量
随机数 random 一般常用的功能如下
random.choice() 随机选择一个元素
random.sample() 随机选择N个元素组成列表
random.shuffle() 打乱数据
random.seed() 随机种子,在shuffle之前使用,直生效一次
random.randint() 生成随机整数
random.random() 生成0-1之间随机浮点数,用来控制概率
random.uniform() 计算均匀分布随机数
random.gauss() 计算正态分布随机数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import randomrandom_seed=123456 rng=random.Random(random_seed) samples=[1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,6 ,7 ] rng.shuffle(all_samples) if rng.random()<0.5 : print ("rate is little than 0.5" )
按照指定概率产生随机数 这个的使用场景是,已经给了一个数组,并且给了一个抽样的概率或者权重,根据给定的概率来对这个数组进行抽样,两个设计思路
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import randomdef random_pick (some_list,probabilities ): x = random.uniform(0 ,1 ) cumulative_probability=0.0 for item,item_probability in zip (some_list,probabilities): cumulative_probability+=item_probability if x < cumulative_probability: break return item
按照给定的权重进行抽样,实际上这个就是把概率进行了一下改造,比如按照概率[0.1,0.3,0.6]与按权重[1,3,6]抽样是等价的。这个时候没有了概率为 1的要求
1 2 3 4 5 6 import randomsequence=[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ] relative_odds=[1 ,1 ,2 ,4 ,7 ] table=[z for x,y in zip (sequence,relative_odds) for z in [x]*y] for i in range (10 ): print (random.choice(table))
数据运算加速 Numba加速 numpy
的动态编译造成的,为了解决这一问题,显而易见就是把动态编译改成静态编译,numba 就是用来做这个的,正如官方所说Numba makes Python code fast .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 from numba import jitimport random@jit(nopython=True ) def monte_carlo_pi (nsamples ): acc = 0 for i in range (nsamples): x = random.random() y = random.random() if (x ** 2 + y ** 2 ) < 1.0 : acc += 1 return 4.0 * acc / nsamples
获取设备信息 一般使用的是psutil 模块,获取当前设备的cpu,memory,disk等使用情况
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 import psutilimport timefrom datetime import datetimedef MonitorSystem (): cpuper = psutil.cpu_percent() mem = psutil.virtual_memory() memper = mem.percent now = datetime.now() ts = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) line = f'{ts} cpu:{cpuper} %, mem:{memper} %' print (line)
时间/日期/定时任务 获取当前时间 下面的程序获取当前时刻并打印输出为string
1 2 3 4 import timedef GetTime (): time_now=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' ,time.localtime(time.time())) return time_now
定时任务 sleep方式 最简单的方法time.sleep()但是只能控制任务的间隔无法控制任务具体启动的时刻
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 import psutilimport timeimport datetimedef MonitorSystem (logfile = None ): cpuper = psutil.cpu_percent() mem = psutil.virtual_memory() memper = mem.percent now = datetime.datetime.now() ts = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) line = f'{ts} cpu:{cpuper} %, mem:{memper} %' print (line) if logfile: logfile.write(line) def loopMonitor (): while True : MonitorSystem() time.sleep(2 ) loopMonitor()
Timer模块 在使用多线程编程,为了线程安全,优先使用该方法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 from threading import Timerimport psutilimport timefrom datetime import datetimedef MonitorSystem (logfile = None ): cpuper = psutil.cpu_percent() mem = psutil.virtual_memory() memper = mem.percent now = datetime.now() ts = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) line = f'{ts} cpu:{cpuper} %, mem:{memper} %' print (line) if logfile: logfile.write(line) Timer(3 , MonitorSystem).start() def MonitorNetWork (logfile = None ): netinfo = psutil.net_io_counters() now = datetime.datetime.now() ts = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) line = f'{ts} bytessent={netinfo.bytes_sent} , bytesrecv={netinfo.bytes_recv} ' print (line) if logfile: logfile.write(line) Timer(1 , MonitorNetWork).start() MonitorSystem() MonitorNetWork()
多进程 所谓多进程可以理解成,独立运行多个程序,可以看做是一种并发环境;与之对应的是多线程,多线程是在一个进程中的,每个进程处理一部分的数据或操作。
在机器学习和深度学习中,当模型训练好之后,一般使用多进程进行Inference 操作,但是有一点需要注意,要在每个进程中单独Load模型。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 from __future__ import division, print_functionimport osfrom multiprocessing import Processdef exit_signal_handler (sig=None , frame=None ): t1 = time.time() while (multiprocessing.active_children()): for p in multiprocessing.active_children(): t2 = time.time() if (t2 - t1 > 5 ): os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL) else : p.terminate() time.sleep(1 ) os._exit(0 ) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, exit_signal_handler) processes=[] process_num=10 for process_idx in range (process_num): consumer = Process(target=consumer, args=(process_idx,)) processes.append(consumer) try : for p in processes: p.daemon = True p.start() for p in processes: p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.info('Parent received ctrl-c' ) for p in processes: p.terminate() p.join()
多进程数据同步 在多进程中,如果需要进行数据同步,一般使用队列来进行进程数据管理,比如一个进程写入数据,其余进程读取数据,那么这里的进程要使用multiprocessing下面的Queue,不能使用默认的Queue。
Server&Client https://zeromq.org/languages/python/
logging 简单版 只使用log代替print显示,并不写入文件
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import logginglogger_stdout = logging.getLogger("CHECKPOINT" ) logger_stdout.propagate = False if not logger_stdout.handlers: formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - [%(process)d - %(levelname)s] :: [%(module)s|%(lineno)s] ==>> %(message)s' ) streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) streamhandler.setFormatter(formatter) streamhandler.setLevel(LEVEL) logger_stdout.addHandler(streamhandler)
1 2 3 4 5 import logginglogging.basicConfig(format ='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s' , stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
进阶版 日志打印模块写入文件,把一个轮子记录在此,直接使用
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 import loggingimport osdef get_logger (_loggerDir, log_filename, logger_name ): """[summary] Arguments: _loggerDir {[type]} -- [directory of the Logger] log_filename {[type]} -- [Logger name ] logger_name {[type]} -- [Logger file name] Returns: [type] -- [description] """ _LogFile = os.path.join(_loggerDir, log_filename) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.propagate=False fh = logging.FileHandler(_LogFile) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) _LogFormat = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)2s -%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-10s - %(message)s" ) fh.setFormatter(_LogFormat) console.setFormatter(_LogFormat) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(console) return logger
Opencv&PIL Opencv
默认读取的图片格式为BGR 通道顺序,写入的时候默认也是BGR 的格式,,如果使用OpenCV读写,那么不需要进行通道转换,但是如果使用OpenCV读用PIL 写,那么在读取的时候要进行图片通道转换。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 import cv2from PIL import Imageimage_file='' img_data=cv2.imread(image_file) img_crop=img_data[y1:y2,x1:x2] cv2.imwrite(crop_file_dir,img_crop) img_data=cv2.imread(image_file) img_data=img_data[:,:,::-1 ] img=Image.fromarray(img_data) img.save('xxxx' )
文本过滤 DFA过滤敏感词算法 核心思想:创建敏感词树
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 from __future__ import print_functionimport sysreload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8' ) class DFAFilter (object ): def __init__ (self ): self.keyword_chains = {} self.delimit = '\x00' def add (self, keyword ): keyword = keyword.lower() chars = keyword.strip() if not chars: return level = self.keyword_chains for i in range (len (chars)): if chars[i] in level: level = level[chars[i]] else : if not isinstance (level, dict ): break for j in range (i, len (chars)): level[chars[j]] = {} last_level, last_char = level, chars[j] level = level[chars[j]] last_level[last_char] = {self.delimit: 0 } break if i == len (chars) - 1 : level[self.delimit] = 0 def parse (self, path ): contens = open (path, "r" ).readlines() for line in contens: char = line.strip() if line != "" : self.add(char) def search (self, message, repl="*" ): message = message.lower() ret = [] start = 0 while start < len (message): level = self.keyword_chains step_ins = 0 for char in message[start:]: if char in level: step_ins += 1 if self.delimit not in level[char]: level = level[char] else : ret.append(repl * step_ins) start += step_ins - 1 break else : ret.append(message[start]) break else : ret.append(message[start]) start += 1 return '' .join(ret) def findall (self, message, repl="*" ): message = message.lower() start = 0 while start < len (message): level = self.keyword_chains step_ins = 0 for char in message[start:]: if char in level: step_ins += 1 if self.delimit not in level[char]: level = level[char] else : return True start += 1 return False blacklist = "./blacklist.txt" dfa = DFAFilter() dfa.parse(blacklist) text="新疆骚乱 苹果 新品发布会 AV女优" print (dfa.findall(text),file=sys.stderr)
AC自动机过滤敏感 给出n个单词,再给出一段包含m个字符的文章,让你找出有多少个单词在文章里出现过。
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出错重试 Tenacity 在爬虫或者下载的时候很容易出现错误,报错的时候进行自动重试
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 from tenacity import retry,stop_after_delay,stop_after_attempt,wait_fixed@retry(stop=(stop_after_delay(10 ) | stop_after_attempt(5 ) ), wait=wait_fixed(2 ) ) def stop_after_10_s_or_5_retries (): print ("Stopping after 10 seconds or 5 retries" ) """other progress""" raise Exception
pytorch Install 随着新版本的退出,安装方式的指令存在变化,比如下图这样,在最新版式1.5.0的时候,使用pip install torch torchvision
推荐使用的安装方式是从https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html 或者 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/pytorch/linux-64这里找你想要的版本,然后使用
pip install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu101/torch-1.4.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
训练加速 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/80695364
HDFS hdfs_io 主要实现对hdfs文件的读写等操作,使用管道的方式实现,HADOOP_BIN指向安装的hadoop路径,
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{}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, hdfs_path), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) yield pipe.stdin pipe.stdin.close() pipe.wait() return if mode.startswith("w" ): pipe = subprocess.Popen( "{} fs -put -f - {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, hdfs_path), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) yield pipe.stdin pipe.stdin.close() pipe.wait() return raise RuntimeError("unsupported io mode: {}" .format(mode)) def hmerge(folders, dst, prefix="" , dedupe=False, **kwargs): nums = 0 all_files = hdfs_files(folders, prefix) logger.info("All files: {}" .format(all_files)) unique = {} with hopen(dst, mode="wa" ) as writer: try: for one in all_files: with hopen(one, mode="r" ) as reader: for line in reader: line = line.strip() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode('utf-8' ) if line: if dedupe: key = line.split("\t" )[0] if key not in unique: unique[key] = 1 msg = line + "\n" writer.write(msg.encode('utf-8' )) nums += 1 else : msg = line + "\n" writer.write(msg.encode('utf-8' )) nums += 1 if nums % 100 == 0: logger.info("Already write [{}] lines" .format(nums)) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) pass def hlinenums(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): status, contents = subprocess.getstatusoutput("cat {} | wc -l" .format(filepath)) num = contents.replace(" " , "" ) return int(num) else : while 1: try: status, contents = subprocess.getstatusoutput("{} fs -text {} | wc -l" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath)) num = contents.replace(" " , "" ) if int(num) >= 0: return int(num) except: traceback.print_exc() pass def hexist(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): return os.path.exists(filepath) else : flage = subprocess.call("{} fs -test -e {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) return flage == 0 def hmkdir(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): os.makedirs(filepath, exist_ok=True) else : subprocess.call("{} fs -mkdir {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) def hcopy(src, dst, **kwargs): if not dst.startswith("hdfs://" ): shutil.copy(src, dst) else : subprocess.call("{} fs -copyFromLocal -f {} {}/" .format(HADOOP_BIN, src, dst), shell=True) def hisfile(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): return os.path.isfile(filepath) else : flage = subprocess.call("{} fs -test -d {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) if flage == 1: return hexist(filepath) return False def hisdir(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): return os.path.isdir(filepath) else : flage = subprocess.call("{} fs -test -d {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) return flage == 0 def hdelete(filepath, **kwargs): if not filepath.startswith("hdfs://" ): shutil.rmtree(filepath) else : subprocess.call("{} fs -rm -r {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, filepath), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) def hglob(search_path, sort_by_time=False): if search_path.startswith("hdfs" ): if sort_by_time: hdfs_command = HADOOP_BIN + ' fs -ls %s | sort -k6,7' % search_path else : hdfs_command = HADOOP_BIN + ' fs -ls %s' % search_path path_list = [] files = os.popen(hdfs_command).read () files = files.split("\n" ) for _file in files: if 'hdfs' in _file: startindex = _file.index('hdfs' ) path_list.append(_file[startindex:]) return path_list else : return glob.glob(search_path) def hdfs_files(folders, prefix="" ): files = [] for folder in folders: pipe = subprocess.Popen("{} fs -ls {}" .format(HADOOP_BIN, folder), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in pipe.stdout: line = line.strip() if len(line.split()) < 5: continue file_path = line.split()[-1].decode("utf8" ) if prefix: if prefix == os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1] or os.path.basename(file_path).startswith(prefix): files.append(file_path) else : files.append(file_path) pipe.stdout.close() pipe.wait() return files __all__ = ["hopen" , "hexist" , "hmerge" , "hdfs_files" , "hglob" , "hdelete" , "hisdir" , "hisfile" , "hcopy" , "hmkdir" , "hlinenums" ]
报错解决汇总 locale.Error: unsupported locale setting 解决方案
链接: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36394101/pip-install-locale-error-unsupported-locale-setting
UnicodeDecodeError 这个是一大类的错误,顾名思义就是编码错误了,一版情况下是读取数据的时候读取错误造成的,比如说使用py2生成的文件,使用py3读取,因为py2的默认编码方式是unicode,而py3的默认编码方式是utf8,就很可能造成这个错误,解决方案
1 2 with open (filepath,"rb" ) as fi: xxx
方式打开文件,如果不添加打开方式或者使用`r的方式打开,会产生**’utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0x87 in position 0: invalid start byte**类似的错误。